

虹口 - 静安 - 上海市静安区延平路98号 | 公司编号:27120211


  • 所属行业:广告/策划/设计
  • 所在地区:静安
  • 公司性质:独资企业
  • 注册资金:100-500万¥
  • 员工人数:100-200人
  • 成立日期:2001/11/29
  • 营业执照:已上传至本网站证实


we believe d***ital transformation needs challenging

mullenlowe profero has developed a unique a***roach to d***ital *****munications that is empathetic to the needs of our clients and offers a holistic marketing a***roach that delivers actual roi‚ not vanity metrics.

one of our critical offerings is flexi-tech. we code‚ we build‚ we des***n to scope‚ on budget and with no hidden costs.

but we don’t just code‚ we decode human dna.

d***ital technology is code des***ned by and for human beings. the human side of our work ma***ers as m***h as the technology side. our flexi-tech offering incorporates strong ux/ui‚ crm and data capabilities to deliver a *****plete 360 offering that genuinely transforms brands.

with four offices across greater china‚ and advanced capabilities in des***n‚ development and data‚ mullenlowe profero is a leading ipg group agency in china for d***ital transformation.


  • 公司地址:上海市静安区延平路98号******
  • 邮政编码:*********
  • 联系电话:*********
  • 联系人:*********
  • 传  真:*********
  • E-mail:*********
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周边查询: 酒店 餐饮 超市/购物 银行 医院 学校 公交
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人才行业协会会员单位 人才服务许可证151号 沪B2-20050172 沪ICP备10022751号  
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